Hi peeps.
Tak sangka dah almost dua tahun aku tak menulis di sini. Last post was on 21st september 2018, iaitu masa aku intern diploma. Sekarang aku dah di hujung semester 5 of bachelor degree. Tinggal lagi satu semester and then I'm off to gooo for an internship. Semester ini patut berakhir pada bulan may before raya 2020 but here we are diuji dengan Covid-19, in a quarantine, staying at home, all day, for 4 weeks starting from 17 march to 14 april. FYI, I'm taking fyp this semester and it turns out, we gotta stay at home, and until this day, I didn't even start anything yet. Fyp presentation pada awalnya 8 april. After RMO, they decided to postponed presentation to 22 april but you know, this virus wouldn't go away entirely after RMO right? So they postponed to 13 may. Which gives me another 6 weeks of procrastination. Hehehe.
Flashback to a year ago, frankly speaking aku tak minat course yang aku ambil sekarang ni. Never crossed my mind at all. Masa diploma, ada few subjects finance yang aku kena ambil. Bagi akulah, it's really easy. Plus tak interesting. But in my very last semester of diploma, I learned that to continue my study here in uniten, I must choose between 2 courses which is Finance and Marketing. Marketing is quite heavy pulak aku rasa hahahaha. Berbekalkan sifat introvert aku and ke-gabra-an bercakap, marketing doesn't suit me at all. Reason kenapa aku consider marketing as a choice is because this course perlukan creativity. Throughout diploma of business, subjek marketing yang kena ambil mostly kena buat video or any idea untuk marketkan product which has made me interested to pursue bachelor in marketing. So after a bunch or lectures and advises from family and friends, I went to finance. Can I go back and go for art instead?
Lepas dah setahun lebih dalam bachelor in finance ni, aku sedar course ni susah. SUSAH. Like really susah hahahahhaa. Aku barely ingat apa aku belajar sem-sem lepas tahu takkk. Paling tak boleh terima, finance wajib ambil fyp sedangkan course lain fyp cuma option je bagi mereka. At first aku bebai jugakla tapi aku terima lah kenyataan lepas tu. Aku teruskan jugakla. Walaupun perit jugak masa buat proposal dulu, tajuk je dah kena reject. Macam mana nak proceed kalau takde tajuk T_T Lepas tu kena submit first chapter. Minggu kena submit tu pun tajuk takde lagi. Sehari sebelum due date baru jumpa supervisor, baru dapat tajuk, sampai ke tengah malam baru siap first chapter. Nak nanessss
Nak throwback pasal semester lalu pun aku tak ingat apa yang aku dah lalui. Tapi apa yang boleh cakap, life sebagai student diploma and degree is totally different from each other. Diploma sangat santai and tenang. Diploma lah time yang kau boleh bina friendship. Aku ingat since aku diploma and degree di universiti yang sama, suasana sama. Tapi aku silap. Baru semester satu degree hidup aku dah kucar-kacir. Kau kena pandai pilih kawan. Biasa lah awal-awal baru kenal manis aja. Once kau rasa bisa-bisa ular tu hah bolehla slow-slow angkat kaki. Jangan bagi peluang. Ramai lagi yang baik. Tbh bagi aku, macam-macam jadi masa aku di sem 1. Dari strangers to friends. Dari friend to family. But whatever it is, I'm thankful for everything. Whether perkara yang terjadi tu benda yang baik atau yang tak berapa baik, tu semualah yang menjadikan aku yang hari ini.